As it turns out, last week’s experiment with getting off-camera lighting going with my camera was time well spent. Today (well, tonight) we hosted a Halloween party and most everyone even dressed up! We had a jailbird, an animal family, a Minecraft creeper (huh?), a snow ninja, a doctor, a door-to-door witness, Snooki and the Situation, vampires with their cute pet ladybug, and Amelia Earhart with her doctor husband and their not-allowed-on-Apple-products baby (huh?).
For the costume photos, I had my external flash sitting on the countertop being triggered by my camera. My goal, in the limited space I had (our kitchen), was to hit everyone from the side and get their shadow up on the wall for a more “Halloween-y” look. Next year? More lights, I hope!
Canon 7D with Sigma 30mm f/1.4 @ 30mm 1/100s f/1.8 ISO 400.
These looks are both hilarious.