Saturday, January 14, 2012

Week 02 - Jordan

My friend David and I will be putting on an informal "Flash 101" workshop in a few weeks, so we got together to practice a few things. David gave me permission to use a photo of him where, as he said, he didn't look like a "goober". So, here's this. We were trying things out in my living room, which, after moving all the furniture, did not leave us with a ton of working space. David had to sit pretty close to the backdrop, which is why there's a shadow on it behind him. I shot this with two softboxes stacked on each other, with my lens in between them. It's an interesting effect (to me) because of how it fills otherwise shadowy areas.

Canon EOS 7D with 30mm @ 30 mm 1/200s f/4.5 ISO 400.

Week 2 - Nate

For Christmas, my parents got me a set of extension tubes so I can finally try my hand at some macro photography. It took me a couple weeks of practice but I really think I’m going to like it :)

Canon 7D w/ 17-55 f/2.8 IS (+12mm extension)
Taken at 55mm, f/2.8, 1/80s, ISO 250