Saturday, February 12, 2011

Week 06 – Jordan

Today was the annual Make-A-Wish Walk for Wishes in Fargo. As a part of the event this year, the local Zumba dance studio held a rather massive class before the walk. Everyone seemed to enjoy it as a pre-walk event.

Canon 7D with Sigma 30mm f/1.4 @ 30mm 1/50s f/1.4 ISO 200.

Week 6 - Nate

In preparation for Valentine’s Day next week, Nila made delicious mini-cupcakes with chocolates or chocolate dipped marshmallows on top. MMMMMMmmmmmm.

Canon 7D w/ 50 f/1.8 
Taken at 50mm, f/1.8, 1/60s, ISO 640