Saturday, January 10, 2009

Week 1 - Nate

I didn’t make it out today to take pictures like I wanted to so instead I’m going to post one I took last Saturday during the snowstorm. This is a from a field just outside my apartment. There were about 15 bunnies running around but I found this one just watching all the fun.

Snow Bunny

Canon Rebel XT w/ 70-300mm IS
Taken at 300mm, f/5.6, 1/2500 sec, ISO 200
Post: Bumped the exposure up a bit and cropped some off the top

Week 01 - Jordan

My photo this week is a result of last night’s festivities with bacon.

Looks tasty
Canon XSi with 50mm f/1.8 II @ 50mm f/1.8 1/30s ISO 400

I like the lighting coming from behind the bowl of pork and I’m pleased with the sharpness in the middle.

If I was able to do it again, I’d increase the depth of field so all of it was sharp and I’d move the placemat out of the top right corner. I might even polish up the bowl a bit more and remove the stray sauce on the left.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


I’m glad Nate was able to find where we got the idea – I couldn’t remember!

Perhaps to the dismay of anyone following me on Google Reader, I have a very large number of subscriptions. I’ve toned back my sharing noise, but I still have 145 subscriptions. Of those, 50 or so are photography related and I wanted to share them with you. (Warning: long list of links)