Saturday, May 7, 2011

Week 18 - Jordan

After our trip a few weeks ago, I purchased an umbrella and light stand to fill out my collection of "gear I have to carry". Molly was gracious enough to stand still and smile long enough for me to take her picture, but this wasn't until after I practiced on all three pets first.

Canon EOS 7D with 30mm @ 30 mm 1/100s f/2.0 ISO 200.

Week 18 - Nate

While in Vegas, we made a trip out to see the Hoover Dam. This is inside the “power plant” looking at the top of the turbines.

Canon 7D w/ 17-55 f/2.8 IS
3 shots, taken at 21mm, f/2.8, ISO 400. Merged with Oloneo