Anyway, this is the back of someone's truck in the parking lot where the fog managed to settle. Looks like salt.
Canon XSi with EF 70-200 f/4L @ 200mm 1/1600s f/4 ISO 400
It’s been super foggy here in KC for the last several days. Nila, Maggie and I went on a walk one evening. I really like what the fog does with the lights.
Canon 7D w/ 50mm f/1.8
Taken at 50mm, f/1.8, 1/40s, ISO 1600
What a year it was! We bought a house, added Roxy to the family, Nate got married, I moved to a new building at work, and we celebrated a few different holidays.
The pictures below are all the ones I’ve posted here this year. Why does it look like I’m missing one? Beats me. If you know what picture I’m missing from this, let me know! I’d pick a favorite out of them, but I can’t really do that. I can, however, let you.
So, which was your favorite from the year?
Canon XSi with various lenses, 52* photos.